In the mind of a normal think-ing person, an electrical storm of thoughts and impulses whirls constantly, registering on a brain scan as yellow and red flashes. 在正常思考的脑子里,思维与冲动的风暴不停旋转,在脑部扫描器上显示出黄色与红色的闪光。
An electrical storm blanketed out the radio program. 雷雨干扰了广播节目的收听。
This composite shot was taken as a summer electrical storm hit Athens, Greece. 这个镜头展示的是一个风雨交加的夜晚,雷电袭击希腊雅典。
Nursing of a patient with electrical storm after aortic valve replacement 1例主动脉瓣置换术后并发交感风暴患者的护理
On his last evening there, he waited as an electrical storm blew in from the west. 他昨天晚上在那里,他等来的是从西部吹来的雷雨。
ATTENTION: do not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling connections, such as the power supply cord, during a lightning storm. 请不要在雷雨天气时安装此产品,或者进行任何的电线/电缆连接(例如电源线)。
Last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, the electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. 昨晚我正在电脑上对论文作润色的时候,一场电暴把电脑文件毁得一干二净。
This shot was captured during a major electrical storm. 这张照片拍摄于一场闪电暴中。
Efficacy and safety of the coronary intervention therapy to prevent electrical storm in patients with coronary artery disease but without myocardial infarction 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗防治冠心病无心肌梗死患者的电风暴
Clinical predictors and prognostic significance of electrical storm in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators 埋藏式心脏复律除颤器植入患者中电风暴的临床预测因素和预后价值
After Impulse Cardiac pacing restore AV conduction, depress ectopic activity and may prevent the ventricular electrical storm. 起搏重建房室传导和抑制异位电冲动形成,有预防电风暴的作用。
Conclusions Ectopic electrical activity from HPS usually has retrograde conduction, inhibit the antegrade AV conduction, and hence force the repetitive occurrence of VT/ VF which appears as ventricular electrical storm. 结论HPS异位电冲动逆向传导,阻滞窦性心律下传,促使室速/室颤反复发作而呈现电风暴现象。
Electrical storm as the initial manifestation of coronary artery disease 以电风暴为初发表现的冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病
Objective To study the mechanism of ventricular electrical storm and the effects of cardiac pacing. 目的观察心室电风暴与室房逆传的关系和起搏的作用。